Let's Review
This is going to be hard, but here is the rundown of the last few weeks, and four countries. We left Mexico and headed into Guatemala with little river beta and a desire to see as much of the country as we could in a limited time. We first cruised into Lake Atitlan which is a beautiful lake in the northern part of the country.
The Lake

We left the lake in search of some rivers. It had been 6 days since we had last been on the water and Uldis was going through withdrawls. We knew the names of some rivers in Guatemala, but we didn't really have any info on putins or takeouts. Some creative discussions with a rafting company gave us an idea of the putin for the Cahabon river which according to all of the rafting ads was a class IV river. We made our way to Lanquin, found a river, and naturally assumed that this was like the map and the rafting company said the Cahabon river. As it turns out it was the Lanquin River, which is generally class III-IV except for a 200 yard section of serious class V. Luckily a local warned us of some big rapids below, and we didn't float into the big one, but it could have been ugly. With the exception of the big rapid which we walked the run was a great III-IV play run. We ended up also running the Cahabon which at the time was flowing with huge water. It consists of 3 long big water class IV rapids, and not much else, but it was definately worth floating. Unfortunately we didn't have the camera for this run.
The bus getting into some river running on a ferry in Peten Guatemala

We stopped for a day at the amazing Tikal ruins before making our way to Honduras. The border crossing for Honduras was an interesting two day affair with an interesting layover in the town of Entre Rios, Guatemala. Its a long story, but the lesson we learned is not to make any travel plans to Entre Rios, which is the currently in the lead in the running for sketchiest town in central america.

We had planned to run a few rivers in Honduras, but when we arrived at the Cangrejal river we found that the El Nino weather pattern had created one of the worst rainy seasons any of the river guides we talked to had ever seen. We put on the river which was a great steep run, and immediately felt at home. Low water. We were finnaly back in our element. The run was enjoyable, and would have been excellent with 200-300 more cfs, but it wasn't worth sticking around for, so we hightailed it down to Nicaragua.
Maybe there is whitewater in Nicaragua, but we hadn't heard of any so we made it to the Pacific side for some surf. We had never surfed ocean waves in kayaks, but we had surfed in rivers how different could it be. After a steep day long learning curve we were finally surfing some quality waves. Some Pics.

This is what it looks like when someone is about to get trashed. You can barely see the kayak, but its there.

After a week in Nicaragua, it was time for Costa Rica. It was great to be in a place with a whitewater guidebook and people we knew. Turrialba looks like the Trailhead with Poudre guides everywhere, and luckily they don't hold it against us that we work for A-1.
Arenal Volcano

Kristen, Matt, and Lucas have shown us around taking the crew down the Peijibaye, Lower Pacuare, Pascua section of the Reventazone, and Upper Pacuare in our first week in Costa Rica. Costa is great, and I can't wait to see what comes next.
Rafts in Lower Pacuare

Matt above Blood Hole on The Upper Pacuare. It lived up to its name drawing a little blood out of Uldis' nose.

Matt hopefully taking a breath before getting his world turned upside down

Poca showing off. This kid is sick, enough said.

I am going to end every post with a gigantic waterfall from the last post on out. This one is up the hill from Turrialba.
The Lake

We left the lake in search of some rivers. It had been 6 days since we had last been on the water and Uldis was going through withdrawls. We knew the names of some rivers in Guatemala, but we didn't really have any info on putins or takeouts. Some creative discussions with a rafting company gave us an idea of the putin for the Cahabon river which according to all of the rafting ads was a class IV river. We made our way to Lanquin, found a river, and naturally assumed that this was like the map and the rafting company said the Cahabon river. As it turns out it was the Lanquin River, which is generally class III-IV except for a 200 yard section of serious class V. Luckily a local warned us of some big rapids below, and we didn't float into the big one, but it could have been ugly. With the exception of the big rapid which we walked the run was a great III-IV play run. We ended up also running the Cahabon which at the time was flowing with huge water. It consists of 3 long big water class IV rapids, and not much else, but it was definately worth floating. Unfortunately we didn't have the camera for this run.
The bus getting into some river running on a ferry in Peten Guatemala

We stopped for a day at the amazing Tikal ruins before making our way to Honduras. The border crossing for Honduras was an interesting two day affair with an interesting layover in the town of Entre Rios, Guatemala. Its a long story, but the lesson we learned is not to make any travel plans to Entre Rios, which is the currently in the lead in the running for sketchiest town in central america.

We had planned to run a few rivers in Honduras, but when we arrived at the Cangrejal river we found that the El Nino weather pattern had created one of the worst rainy seasons any of the river guides we talked to had ever seen. We put on the river which was a great steep run, and immediately felt at home. Low water. We were finnaly back in our element. The run was enjoyable, and would have been excellent with 200-300 more cfs, but it wasn't worth sticking around for, so we hightailed it down to Nicaragua.
Maybe there is whitewater in Nicaragua, but we hadn't heard of any so we made it to the Pacific side for some surf. We had never surfed ocean waves in kayaks, but we had surfed in rivers how different could it be. After a steep day long learning curve we were finally surfing some quality waves. Some Pics.

This is what it looks like when someone is about to get trashed. You can barely see the kayak, but its there.

After a week in Nicaragua, it was time for Costa Rica. It was great to be in a place with a whitewater guidebook and people we knew. Turrialba looks like the Trailhead with Poudre guides everywhere, and luckily they don't hold it against us that we work for A-1.
Arenal Volcano

Kristen, Matt, and Lucas have shown us around taking the crew down the Peijibaye, Lower Pacuare, Pascua section of the Reventazone, and Upper Pacuare in our first week in Costa Rica. Costa is great, and I can't wait to see what comes next.
Rafts in Lower Pacuare

Matt above Blood Hole on The Upper Pacuare. It lived up to its name drawing a little blood out of Uldis' nose.

Matt hopefully taking a breath before getting his world turned upside down

Poca showing off. This kid is sick, enough said.

I am going to end every post with a gigantic waterfall from the last post on out. This one is up the hill from Turrialba.

Finally an update with Pics. It looks great. Can't wait to hear the stories you haven't printed. See you in Dec. The snow is letting us down. A chance on Wed.
brian check your emails. The time is coming quickly to an end and we have a buyer for the bus. We want to sell it to him on the 16th (he wants it asap) for 1500, either post back here or write me an email as soon as you see this.
Unkie Nelson. Loves it! Hope everything is going really well for you.
:) Melissa
brian, i cant get hold of oney so try to get me trishas contact info...the bus got towed last night so i spent the morning with johnny rojas getting it out of hoc...17000 colones...and he threatened to tow it again, so i want to get out of dodge as fast as possible...nelson
130 tommorrow at the resturaunt outside your hotel. 500 tommorrow and 500 when I go to a lawyer with them later this week to transfer the title. check your email. jbag68 at yahoo correct has all the info.
Also Nelson if you drop all of your stuff off at rainforest world matt will pay you for it. Ignore manfred who is making up wierd shit. Open a paypal account and email matt and he will send you the money.
Did you sell the boat you son of a bitch, what are we going to use to Gore next year. And do not put the money on one hand of black jack, for the love of Dios. Uldis, when are you headed to the boat. Brian, what are your plans, the boat too. I am here until the end of January, hopefully the snow will be good when I home. I miss you guys a lot, even you Brian...
Looks like one hell of a time, I am very envious. Let us know if you need any financial help. I can't wait to hear the crazy stories.
Bret and Jean
Brian da Aqua Man, what an amazing Endless Summer you are having! Who needs to get a job anyway? It's just an Endless Bummer Can eye borrow your skis while you are gone? Vaya con Dios y con las Rios y Olas.
"Nothing is weaker than water, yet when it attacks something hard or resistant, then nothing withstands it, and nothing will alter it's way.
Everyone knows this, that weakness prevails over strength and that gentleness conquers the adamant hindrance of men, yet Nobody demonstrates how it is so.
Because of this the wise man says that only one who bears the worlds shame is fit to be it's hallowed Lord; That only one who takes upon himself the evils of this world may be it's King.
This is indeed a paradox."
From da Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu
Even so Confucious sez: Mo Betta keep your helmet on tight in class IV rapids!!!
Old Dan da China Man
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